Spearfishing can be a fun and exciting sport if you try it! If you have heard about friends or family who went spearfishing and enjoyed it, you might be tempted to try it yourself. Maybe you’re someone who enjoys being outdoors and recently read about spearfishing or watching a TV program on it. Spearfishing is definitely something that you should do with a partner, especially if this is your first time or you are just starting out. While it can be very exciting, there are some risks and you should be prepared to put your own safety first.
As with any diving sport, one should always learn about the sport first and read through necessary precautions. The same goes for other water sports like snorkeling and scuba diving. If you are new to spearfishing, here are some easy ways to stay safe and have a great time while you’re out in the water!
1. Partner up
As mentioned earlier, you should try and go spearfishing with a buddy to ensure that both of you are safe. Since you’re diving into deeper water, you can be at risk for blackouts, which happens when there is a lack of oxygen to the brain. If you go longer than 2 minutes without enough oxygen, it can result in severe consequences like brain damage. By having a buddy there with you, you can stay safer, and they can help get you the medical attention you need in the event that something traumatic happens.
2. Really seek out your diving spots
Since you’re a beginner, you don’t want to go diving in an area that might be too difficult for you to maneuver. There might be currents or rough waters, making it very difficult for you to go spearfishing and even possibly putting your in danger first. Research the areas you plan to go spearfishing in and be sure to ask people who have gone before, how it was and if they feel it is suitable for a beginner.
3. Be careful of dark areas
NEVER stick your hand in an area that is dark. You could be potentially putting your hand in a reef or dark cave, or worse yet, a poisonous creature’s mouth. You could also get bit by other sea creatures that are not poisonous, but that can still hurt really badly. For example, getting bit by an eel can be very painful, as their teeth curve inwards.
4. Practice holding your breath
Experienced divers are trained to hold their breath for up to 3 minutes in order to really hide and spearfish well. However, don’s push yourself too hard in the beginning. As you practice spearfishing and diving, you will get better at holding your breath, which in turns helps you become better at spearfishing.
5. Find a great mentor
The best thing for a beginner is to try and find an experienced mentor who can help you really learn the ropes of spearfishing. You can read all the tips you want, but having someone who can guide you and offer hands-on learning is invaluable.
As you can see, there are many precautions that you need to take when trying spearfishing as a beginner. However, the good news is that you can easily learn how to become a great spearfisher by taking the right precautions and practicing!
Have you ever gone spearfishing? Was it during a vacation? Let us know in the comments below!
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