The birthday singing was robust and joyful. Then again, how else would the singing be when three 16 year old girls and one of the father’s is singing the birthday tune to a birthday girl 12 hours away.
When your youngest daughter came home and asked if she could go with one of her friends to one of the local camping sites for Labor Day weekend, you initially hesitated. When your daughter went on the explain, however, that her friend and her parents took family camping trips all of the time, you relaxed. Knowing that the parents would be there the whole time was the assurance that you needed. As you and your husband prepared to be home alone for much of the three day weekend, though, you realized that you would also be missing the chance for the three of you to sing happy birthday to your oldest daughter at college. Your youngest daughter assured you, however, that she and her friends would still call and send birthday greetings over the phone. As it turned out, you and your husband sang to your birthday girl, and your younger daughter, two friends, and the camping father sang to her as well.
Lakeside Campgrounds Provide Peaceful Settings for Family Camping Trips
As the temperatures start to cool off, many parents are in the habit of packing up the kids and the pets on Friday afternoons and taking family camping trips for the weekend. From Ohio campgrounds to family camping vacation spots across the country, weekends are a busy time as parents try to find ways to squeeze in a little more time with their children and tempt them to separate from their technology so that the family can reconnect.
From long distance birthday celebrations to a quiet and lazy day by the lake, family camping trips are the perfect way to relax on the weekends, especially in the months of September and October when the temperatures are starting to cool down for the season. A look at today’s busy schedule of work, school, practices, and activities is reason enough to escape to your favorite campground and follow the trend of of many Americans:
- 40.1 million Americans, or 14% of the U.S. population over age six, went camping in the year 2013, according to the 2014 American Camper Report.
- On average, campers spent 14.9 days camping, whether they stayed in tents, RVs, yurts, or cabins.
- 87% of campers participated in multiple outdoor activities while they were away from their homes.
- 186.7 miles was the average amount of distance people traveled for their camping trips.
- 13% of adult participants indicated that they go camping because they want to spend more time with their families.
- 12% of adult participants indicate that they first went camping with their immediate family.
When was the last time that you went camping? Did you go camping with your parents when you were little? Are you anxious to make new memories of your own with your own children or grandchildren? Taking the time to plan a short weekend camping trip or a long summer vacation at a campground is the perfect place to start new traditions, make new memories.
Whether it is for a birthday celebration or a simple weekend of fishing, making your way to a family campground is the best way to make memories that will last a life time.
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