In todays day and age, families are constantly moving around and relocating. When you are traveling, you’ll still need to find the best day school for your child. Here’s what to look for in a day school when traveling.
Let’s jump right into what to look for in a day school. The first thing to look for is a security officer or someone at the door.
Are they treating kids? Do the kids feel welcomed? These are things to take into consideration.
The next thing on your list of what to look for in a day school should be children’s work. Are there school projects, artwork, or writing on display? If there is, it shows how important these things are to the school. If not, it is something you will want to ask about to ensure the school does have art, writing, and other programs for students.
Lastly, look at the teachers and how they interact with students. Do they support students? Do they answer questions happily? Do the kids look engaged in classrooms? If you can answer yes to these questions, chances are your child will also be happy there.
Watch the video above to learn more!
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